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Why Amway/Quixtar/BWW is a Scam?

You may be wondering why I call a 2 billion dollar company a scam.

You may be wondering Why motivational organizations like BWW, Network 21, WWDB, TEAM etc are scams.

When I was active in the Quixtar business, there were speakers in the BWW conferences and cds who gave ways of handling Objections. The Main objection they tried to handle is HOW TO ANSWER IF SOMEBODY ASKS WHETHER AMWAY/QUIXTAR IS A SCAM? or more politely: WHETHER THIS QUIXTAR/AMWAY THING REALLY WORKS? or further more politely: WHETHER I CAN REALLY MAKE MONEY THRU' THIS BUSINESS?

Answer you'll get is : See the rich people on the stage! which hardly matters for you as you'll have a question in mind whether it works for me! Rather than giving or getting any concrete answers, you'll be introduced to couple of "rich" Amway/Quixtar salesman (IBOs) who motivates you further without explaining HOW IT WORKS!

I always wondered at that time- Why the BWW conferences focus on proving Quixtar business is not a scam or this thing really works? So, like anybody else, I doubted whether it's a scam! It's like attending a "business training" where you hear and learn ONLY efforts to prove it's not scam! How would you feel when you join a university for a program and pay all tuition fees and all they teach is about the CREDIBILITY OF THE UNIVERSITY AND THAT THE RECOGNITION OF THEIR DEGREES ARE NOT FAKE! LOL

Top Reason for believing that Quixtar/Amway/BWW is a scam!

1. People are recruited to Quixtar with "Fake promises of making extra income in free time without having to make any investment". They hide the fact that you will need to buy overpriced products for at least $300 every month, sell these overpriced products if you want to make money and spend extra couple of hundreds for buying cds, books and going to conference. Nobody told you that you wont get any help from your uplines, if you don't buy cds, books and tapes and don't attend conferences and meetings at your own expenses. So, what do you call if you are provided fabricated information and fake promises while being recruited- A Scam or NOT?

2. If 90% people never makes money in Quixtar and quit, and the remaining 10% takes advantage of these 90% and makes money, what do you call it-SCAM OR NOT? If not, why should we blame corrupted politicians, gang lords, mafia or even petty thieves? If you call people who loose money in Quixtar as Looser and who exploit these people and make money as winners; then all these corrupted politicians should be called Winners?

3. If you were told not to mention the name of AMWAY/Quixtar while recruiting new people, what do you call that kinda business? You're doing a business with a company (or selling products of a company) whose name can't be mentioned while selling its products or even recruiting new people. If it's not a scam, why don't you tell "PROUDLY" that you're a Amway/Quixtar salesman while hunting for new people at malls, grocery stores etc Why do the so called RICH PEOPLE ON THE STAGE don't mention the name of Amway/Quixtar at a recruiting seminar/open meetings?

4. You're asked to handle the objections of "Scam" by pointing out that Amway/Quixtar is a 2 billion dollar company and that FTC didn't shut it down and Partner store trusted them. You are bothered about the COMPANY ONLY if you're attending a job interview at that company or trying to get a job there. Otherwise you don't have many things to do with that company or its reputation. For doing business, all you need to care is whether the BUSINESS PLAN IS A SCAM OR NOT!

Let me explain why Amway plan is a scam!

AMWAY/QUIXTAR Business plan is a SCAM- BWW Promises are FAKE!

1.Amway is selling its 30 year old pyramid business plan. Nothing changed (other than change of name) when it started its online business with a name Quixtar. Nothing is going to happen when Quixtar will be renamed back to Amway! In the initial stages, when nobody is aware of what a MLM is, many people who joined first and during that time MADE MONEY! So, the rich people whom you see on the stage like Bill Britt, Dexter Yager, Kanti Gala, Raj Shah, Ganesh Shenoy, Ron Puryear etc are old Amway distributors who joined in the intial wave. Now the business is almost stagnated and it's hard to convince anybody that Amway/Quixtar plan works because the boat is already sailed long back and now people are aware of what MLM scams are and how this works!

2. People made money in Pyramid schemes and money chains when it was started as less people were aware of it. FTC shut down pyramid schemes and money chain due to its fraudulent nature. Then you may be wondering why PYRAMID SCHEME LIKE AMWAY WAS NOT SHUT DOWN. FTC's ruling was that pyramid scheme is the one where just recruiting and money flow happens and not the movement of products and goods. Amway found a workaround by selling products to downlines and faking it as "sales" made to other people other than its distributors/ibos. Laws have loopholes and politicians are corrupt. That's why there are Amways, Enrons etc. Not becoz, these are perfect companies which sell genuine plans! Forgot to mention, Amway's president Rich DeVos was the Republican candidate for Michigan Governor. So, you can imagine where all his roots penetrate!

3. If you are planning to do a business with a company, ALL YOU CARE IS WHETHER THEIR BUSINESS PLAN WORKS OR WHETHER YOU CAN REALLY MAKE MONEY BY DOING THE BUSINESS. Answer to whether business plan works is NOT THAT AMWAY IS A 2 Billions Dollar company. A 2 Billion dollar company doesn't give away million $$$ for all people who register as their IBO. ALL YOU NEED TO CARE IS WHETHER THE BUSINESS PLAN HAS A SCOPE OF MAKING ATLEAST COUPLE OF HUNDREDS BY DOING BUSINESS WITH A BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY? If your commonsense doesn't allow to see it in their business plan, then runaway. Don't take any verbal promises. See it in paper and judge it.

4. BWW and its "follower Quixtar/Amway IBOs" gave you fake promises of getting "rich" by doing Amway business, you have every right to know HOW? If somebody don't have a direct answer for this question, you can doubt his motives. "Rich" is a relative term. It doesn't mean in Amway/BWW dictionary terms like Emeralds, Diamonds etc, it should be at least mean "NOT BANKRUPT" after doing Amway Business. LOL

5. If a business plan doesn't show you a potential of making money more than what you spent, do you think you can ever succeed in doing such a business? If you think that you can never succeed in that business by seeing its plan, how do you believe somebody who tell that you can make millions? If somebody hides the fact that you really make money by selling cds and books to people whom you recruit and NOT by selling Amway products, What do you call such a bussiness which hide facts? Also you're asked to hide the fact that you're an Amway salesman when you hunt people at the malls. If the entire business starts with dishonesty, how can you expect that what all promises you got from all these dishonest persons are TRUE?

So, DO YOU CALL IT A SCAM OR NOT? I call it a scam! I guess any person with minimum commonsense do!

In a nutshell

Amway business plan and practices are scam! Bww promises are fake! You won't make a single penny by joining the business run by a company whose turn over is 2 billion or even 3 trillion. LOL You make money from a business, if you see a scope of making money in their BUSINESS PLAN. If you don't see it, but still was given fake promises of becoming rich, it's FAKE. You may have to do illegal things to avoid bankruptcy.

Solution: Ask your upline or people who gave you the promises to make millions to Give the promises in writing that too in a notarized document. They'll runaway before you do! LOL


nice post...
i also wrote a post on similar lines
Anonymous said…
i totally agree! completely bogus stuff! my husband and i were approached by one IBO who tried to lure us into getting started. he tried every which way and we're not budging. it's a stupid company and i can't understand all these poor indian people are getting sucked in to this crap. they really need to be smarter about this.
Jay said…
I got into Quixtar about 4 years ago but it just wasn't for me. Many of the people who were "making money" weren't making more than US$300 per month but they seem quite happy about it.

I dumped the business about 2 years later. I hadn't made much but spent a good chunk of change but I look at it as a learning experience because the books and the seminars really did good for me as far as personal development was concerned - it conditioned me for success so to speak.

I think thought that there is something they are not telling you and somehow there are secrets they are hiding. The Dateline story I think revealed a bit of this dark truth but I think there is still more that we don't know. In any case I won't advise anyone to sign up to become a Quixtar IBO.

Read about my experience with Quixtar and my views on the Quixtar scam.
Anonymous said…
hey guys
i just got registrated as an ibo.they charged me 160 dollars to sign up ,,i m thinking to leave the business ,,my questions is this that why they charge you to register or become an ibo much they usually charge ?
Ann Crystal said…
Check the latest fees in your IBO kit. Usually, sign up fees are around $ 35. Normally your upline will make you pay for some starter stuffs from Amway as well as CDs from your organization like BWW, Network 21, WWDB etc. As per Amway TOA, they should disclose why they got $ 160 from you. Ask for a detailed receipt. If you plan to quit, DON't OPEN ANY OF THE PRODUCTS. Just return everything to get a full refund. That's the rip off, these Amway cults do. They never mention that Amway will just refund only $35 (which is the registration fee) while the rest of the $$ you paid will go to the unwanted craps from Amway and CDS\books from your cult motivational organization like BWW, WWDB, Network 21 etc
Anonymous said…
I went to a IBO Quikstar meeting last week with friends. It's questionable to say if this "get rich scheme" they promise is really legit, I mean the sales people really did a great job of scarring me with their enthusiasm. Honestly, I wouldnt recommend going into this buisness, everyone representing the company just seemed so fake. They beat around the bush..never once do they tell you how your going to get "rich". I had alot of un-answered questions. If you ask me its a total scam! And really...whos going to buy energy drinks, makeup, or nutritional supplements over the internet? =\ Nowadays its called LONDON DRUGS people!! lol. This Quikstar thing is a total waiste of money and energy, so save it!
In life money is not just handed to you, you need to work for it. And they try to persuade you differently, think people! Use your common sense.. Do not get lured into this!
Anonymous said…
Quit! Do not believe the "exchange money for time (or the reverse) mantra they all say. Amway/Quixtar and all similar programs are fake. The only ones who make money are the top people. Don't believe the "Build it once, build it right and never re-do it again" hype. People keep leaving which means YOU have to keep replacing them! You do that by recruiting and "buying" from your upline and it never ends. Never. You will go BROKE trying this. No such thing as "be financially free in 5 years." It is all a lie. Tried it when my child was 8. Now a college student at age 23 I've lost my job, filed for baniruptcy and gone through foreclosure. Amway (nor "the church") were nowhere to be found. I'll say it again ...don't believe the hype. It's all hogwash. OLDER & WISER (more broke too)
Prabhu Ritesh said…

Thanks for all your valuable information.One of the IBOS met my relative in a public place and has practically to lure us into getting started.This is a kind of Business that Fits the older survives.New company members only lose money in buying their products.They give u a simple idea of spend Rs 995 and get started.But in reality you may have to spend several thousands in buying products later just to recover back far from sponspering new members.
Vengador said…
thanks for the information...I was in a meeting and it's exactly how he described...If you notice the prices are more expensive than similar products in any market...They tried to convince me to start my business because I'm going back to my country in a few weeks and I drew back to do it because they are not showing that the new people get success, If in USA doesn't work I'm pretty sure that in south America would be worse.
Unknown said…
I attened seminar today at San jose, total scam....dont believe and join, be carefull.
Unknown said…
This is a pyramid. Kinds of this rolled through the Soviet Union in 1990's.

Those at the top make much money, closer to the bottom loose when it collapses. But you can not get to the very top unless you start pyramid or you are a friend of the one who started or got in very early. Plus you need to like this kind of "bothering people" business. BWW is an old thing so no big chance there. Members of BWW board are probably the top and likely are millionaires.

There will be pyramids like that. The newer one: These days they use Internet.

If you get in be ready to get charged much because guys above want to make money and to charge others yourself if you want to make money.

But still listen to them, learn from them. They are good motivational speakers. You might try it just to get a sales person character which might help you to start your own thing. But be ready to loose some money or not to make much money. Do not believe all things you hear. Madoff had financial pyramid (those at the end lost). Robert Kiyosaki sells his books through such pyramids.

I listen to their CD's and speakers as long as that's free and do not pay anything. Not my kind of business.
I started my business 5 months ago and have made in profit, $1,686.27, minus business expenses such as seminars, books, cds, etc.

This actually does work for people who do not make excuses for themselves. It may not be for you, but for those that it is, go for it.

I have never felt so good in my life. I have a downline of over 30 people right now and its awesome. We have a lot of fun.

Did you guys know that statisticaly 50 percent of the people never show the plan, buy a single product for personal use, or sell any product? Maybe if people realized this is not get rich quick doing NOTHING, there would be more success. Read the book, The Next Millionare! MLM are the wave of the future and is where the next ten million millionares will be found in the next ten years.

People use to get rich in industry, then manufacturing, then distribution. Whats next? Intellectual distribution. Its happening right now. Do educated research and not listen to random people that you do not know. They probably got in smoking a bong! They had no ambition before, why would that change once they got started? Thats why they never make money, they complain, call it a cult and a scam.

If you are wondering if this is a pyramid scheme, what is your job? Do you make more than your boss?? Does he make more than his??? and his??? No, the guys on top make all the money. Think about it.
Ann Crystal said…
Justin: This is the problem with MLM- All lies and scams. I think you never learned math in your life- your 5 month, 30 downlines and $1687 is not synchronizing really well.

I published your post to make others understand how much scam this MLM is? You'll need to stay atleast an year to realize that all these lies which you're promoting is for nothing. Now it's your honeymoon period with your upline and his seminar rallies. Enjoy it for the time being. When you write comment again, come up with something believable.

Also, let me know when you get your first downline ever.

FYI. if you already have 30 downlines, you should been atleast a platinum or even diamond by this time. BTW, do you know what that means.
Anyway good try buddy!
Will Power said…
My brother was into it and thought it was everything and more. His IBO paid for his year for him, he would argue with me comparing his business to mine, and all the while I was trynna tell him ...not that it's a "bad" business, but it's not as easy as it appears in the beginning. My friend of 10 years has been with it and he's buying the products, but still not making money with it. Network marketing takes a person to be motivational, and success (although they say you shouldn't) usually takes someone to re-invent the wheel in their approach to helping others appreciate the opportunity.

Dj Will Power
Anonymous said…
I just have to say to Ann Crystal i loved your Awesome comeback to justin you caught him in his own lie in his own comment Hey Justin Gotcha and hey Amway Gotcha lol and Justin your honestly brainwashed by Amway Global BWW Quixtar's Cult and your just speaking their lies, Amway is a total scam, the guy that tried to sponsor me told me that there are about 5 million IBOs in Amway and when i asked him how many of them are Diamonds (the one's that make about ($250.000-$500,000/yr) he told me about 5 thousand... thats it!!! 5 thousand only!!! out of 5 million Amway Global IBOs only 5 thousand are the one's that are only makeing the big bucks, to me this is Total Scam, If you become an IBO of amway you can't go out to purchase anything anymore in the stores, you are lured into buying everything from the company (everything) if you want to get points and supposedly become rich one day, its all about scamming someone into this business and then that perosn scams other people and grows a chain of scamming, Listen if you tell the person thats trying to get you in that their are sites that say Amway is a Scam that person would probably try to convince you that they just couldn't do it and don't have the talent like you do, i don't know this whole thing, i think its bullshit a waste of time money and a Huge Pyramid style scam....
Anonymous said…
I just have to say to Ann Crystal i loved your Awesome comeback to justin you caught him in his own lie in his own comment Hey Justin Gotcha and hey Amway Gotcha lol and Justin your honestly brainwashed by Amway Global BWW Quixtar's Cult and your just speaking their lies, Amway is a total scam, the guy that tried to sponsor me told me that there are about 5 million IBOs in Amway and when i asked him how many of them are Diamonds (the one's that make about ($250.000-$500,000/yr) he told me about 5 thousand... thats it!!! 5 thousand only!!! out of 5 million Amway Global IBOs only 5 thousand are the one's that are only makeing the big bucks, to me this is Total Scam, If you become an IBO of amway you can't go out to purchase anything anymore in the stores, you are lured into buying everything from the company (everything) if you want to get points and supposedly become rich one day, its all about scamming someone into this business and then that perosn scams other people and grows a chain of scamming, Listen if you tell the person thats trying to get you in that their are sites that say Amway is a Scam that person would probably try to convince you that they just couldn't do it and don't have the talent like you do, i don't know this whole thing, i think its bullshit a waste of time money and a Huge Pyramid style scam....
Anonymous said…
I just have to say to Ann Crystal i loved your comeback justin your honestly brainwashed by Amway Global BWW Quixtar's Cult and your just speaking theirs lies Amway is a total scam the guy that tried to sponsor me told me that there are about 5 million IBOs in Amway and when i asked him how many of them are Diamonds (the one's that make about ($250.000-$500,000/yr) he told me about 5 thousand... thats it!!! 5 thousand only!!! out of 5 million Amway Global IBOs only 5 thousand are the one's that are only makeing the big bucks to me this is Total Scam you can't go out to purchase anything anymore in the stores you are lured into buying from the company everything if you want to get points and become rich one day its all about scamming someone into this business and then that perosn scams other people and grows a chain of scamming if you want to make money which you probably won't make Listen if you tell the person thats trying to get you in that their are sites that say Amway is a Scam that person would probably try to convince you that they just couldn't do it and don't have the talent like you do i don't know this whole thing is bullshit waste of time money and scam
Unknown said…
My husband has been in Quixtar since 2004 and has lost thousands of dollors using the 'system' and attending the numerous conferences they hold all year,year after year .He is completely sold on the business..and truly believes that amway is 'the most ethical business in the world for offering an opportunity of financial independence to the little fish out there'! I have repeatedly tried to convince him that 'the system' is primarily designed to promote and reproduce itself since that how uplines above a certain level make their money. I am now in search for solid evidence that BWW emaralds and above make most of their income by taking a huge cut on CDS/Books/conference sales. If anyone has any documentation evidencing this,please share...
Unknown said…
In a very first scene, I know it is not usual, something strange because you should keep in mind that there is no free lunch in America. But since they are nice, I just nicely refused everything so I don't waste my time. My exp is you must search for the business in Google to see whether it is trustworthy or not.
Ex Eagle said…
You should read more about the truths of this at my blog.

Spent significant amounts of time and money. Put my trust in people who cheated me all the way!

I have been free from this for close to a year now, and I have never been happier ever since I quit (contrary to what BWW preaches telling you will go to hell if you quit).

Check out:
Zavier Cobb said…
Hey guys My name is Zavier Cob I joined Amway about 6mths ago when I got off the Drill Field as a Drill Instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps and after 11yrs I got and started a traditional business along with my Amway business. When I first got in Amway, I was pressured to buy cd's,books and attend seminars, I did for the first 2mths then I realized that I was spending more money on Cds,books and other things. So I stop the BWW system and came up with my own thing. You would have thought I killed someone the way my upline was acting when I did. What I did was supplied my downline with FREE INFORMATION on how to be somewhat successful and I told prospects that you will not get rich in this business fast and I will never tell you to buy a cd,book or anything else but I will tell you everything I know and you would have to do some research of own. In doing that I've grown my downline to about 17 people in 4mths I sponsored 6 of the 17. I have 23 customers and 10 of the 17 in my downline have at least 10 customers to cover the monthly 100pv. I'm I rich No have I made more than I spent Yes. To be successful in this business just be honest with people. I built my business in the same manner as the Core Values of the Marine Corps. Amway is not bad it's the organizations that surround Amway that is.
Zavier Cobb said…
Hey guys I joined Amway about 6mths ago when I got off the Drill Field as a Drill Instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps and after 11yrs I got and started a traditional business along with my Amway business. When I first got in Amway, I was pressured to buy cd's,books and attend seminars, I did for the first 2mths then I realized that I was spending more money on Cds,books and other things. So I stop the BWW system and came up with my own thing. You would have thought I killed someone the way my upline was acting when I did. What I did was supplied my downline with FREE INFORMATION on how to be somewhat successful and I told prospects that you will not get rich in this business fast and I will never tell you to buy a cd,book or anything else but I will tell you everything I know and you would have to do some research of own. In doing that I've grown my downline to about 17 people in 4mths I sponsored 6 of the 17. I have 23 customers and 10 of the 17 in my downline have at least 10 customers to cover the monthly 100pv. I'm I rich No have I made more than I spent Yes. To be successful in this business just be honest with people. I built my business in the same manner as the Core Values of the Marine Corps. Amway is not bad it's the organizations that surround Amway that is.
Unknown said…
I'm writing from Singapore.yea, so sad . My daughter's tutor who happen to be her school's ex- teacher was in these and tried to recruit me.Told me not to mention the ward Amway to my friend if I want to recruit them, but arrange for meeting with this teacher he'll do the talking. His wife claimed all her household detergent, toothpaste are free. They even have business in Vietnam.
Unknown said…
Thanks for this blog and sharing about Amway/BWW's so-called "BUSINESS" opportunity. I have saved myself $250. So, a stranger was very friendly (I should have doubted) and got my number and said we should meet up sometime. I thought that's not bad, to make new friends. Then I get a call from him to attend a free seminar (mail reads: MUST ATTEND IN BUSINESS ATTIRE, my ass). I thought it must be something really good, the speaker seemed very good, funny and impressive. But after reading lots of comments, I realized that all those speakers get their standard presentation from BBW. I checked with other people from Chicago, San Francisco as well, same speech every time. Same WHY,WHAT,HOW, same 5 year you will be financially free, same motivational CDs, same NO Q&A at the end of presentation etc etc. So much of SAME STUFF at every city. That's when I realized these people are not well-educated but well-trained, to brainwash others. In Philly, they asked me to give $250, I say BS, for a $35 registration, they want $250??? Then, the person who invited me asked me not to discuss this with anyone, WTF??? And insisted that I meet him within 2 days. So, all this confirmed my myth that this is total scam, finally googled it (they INSTRUCTED NOT TO GOOGLE BWW) and here I am. Thanks guys, please share this news to save others too. I have also heard from my friends who became IBOs that these people bug you so much to get more people in your chain. Finally they quit too.
Ann Crystal said…
Satyam; Save this comment for you when you start making burgers or driving a limo after doing this scam for a while. Half of the homless people in the USA are previous Amway IBOs---LOL

You mentioned"your company" for Amway. Pathetically, you're neither an owner or shareholder of Amway. You're just the distributor of some of their products and some of their affiliate products. But your uplines made you believe that Amway is your company and you need to be possessive about it. After a while you'll realize this. Then, you'll stand infront of a mirror and call the one you see in the mirror- DUMBASS!
Joecool said…
Satyma is giving the typical cult like response of an Amway tools up newbie. He hasn't made a dime, in fact has probably lost money by "investing" in his Amway business. He won't be here six months ago. He will join the ranks of the poorer but smatert "former" IBOs. LOL
Unknown said…
So I went to an amway seminar, here in jamaica. I Listened attentively to wat all these guys said and didn't say. Something stinks about this company. 1. They didn't say what u have to do to make it. They only mentioned u can make 150k usd per year and per day - eventually.
2. They didn't tell us not to google amway - but I did and found this site. U guys (those who smell the rat) confirmed what I noticed too... I.e. U won't make money - u only make the company and its top officials, make money. Do the math ppl. Something's not adding up! I feel they are running out of countries to sap and jamaica is next in line. All these yrs they existed - 52yrs and they just now thought of jamaica? ... Interesting.
3. They seemed to push that u don't need education to be rich... They (in my opinion) down played the power of education. All organizations that plan to be a success look for educated ppl. If u ever had a job, and had to fill out a job app. U will see them ask about ur educational background - gee I wonder y??? Yet amway's trojans, claim u don't need education... Strange to me. Now I know education has its limits re wealth etc, but it helps u make sensible decisions vs dumb ones!
That's my tid bit. I been seeing scams all over my country for a while now... Amway just seems like another blood sucking leech.
eRiC Fan said…
I am CK from Malaysia.
I just met with someone from BWW this morning.

She pass me her namecard at my store two weeks ago.

The first question(after a few charts at my store to gain my trust) is: do you ever heard of BWW?

Of course, i say no.. simply because how can i know BWW before that?

She continued: BWW is a network working with all kinds of best brand on earth...

Before she left, she ask for appointment.. well, i tot she want to have some partnership with my biz, i said OK.
At that moment, i really do not have idea what BWW really stand for....poor me.

At the time we met... she came with a man. From the beginning of the meeting till end, only the man was doing the talking, showing the slides....
In the first few slides... ah ha... i know it. It is some kinds of MLM!

Then the name "Amway" appear! BINGO... it is really MLM!

At the end of the meeting, i questions them why everything have to be made secret until the meeting time? why from the beginning of the meeting using "McDonald" as example? What is the point of spending more while i can get it cheaper at the store neary?....

Reminder to BWW, if want to do biz. Pls be honest at the first place... Amway means Amway, mention it...
Chess said…
Okay so I have read this entire blog about BWW and I am seeing that you have to A) Either have $25,000 or a way of getting this money (such as a bachelors degree or masters degree job) or B) Be able to BS people into buying great overly expensive products thusly convincing them to buy said product.

Talk about work! And I mean work;spending every hour you have try to make your "money" work for you. You want to make money, without an education, is doing basically what my Dad did trying to make ends meet when i was little! Dude, not cool....
gzusvictory said…
My friends at my university are starting to really get into this Amway/BWW thing lately saying how it's a total "symbiotic" relationship. Sadly for me, I am an extremely open minded person meaning I am capable of seeing both points of view very clearly. Luckily for me, I stumbled upon this website which outright motivated me not to join this "business". To be honest, all of the comments i've read on here clearly matched the same experience I hade just a few hours ago, a BWW seminar in a Holiday Inn. It's quite skeptical to hold a seminar in a hotel. Well, now that i'm convinced that this entire "business" is actually a some sort of pyramid scheme, I'm wondering how to explain it to my friends. I mean sure, they are already ambitious enough to carry on such a scam, but I don't want them ending up like people in this blog. They're brainwashed with amyway facts, numbers, and precentages, so it's looking like a challenge to convince every friend of mine to quit the business.
sk said…
I am from india and came to usa in 2001. I joined quixstar in 2006. I was there for 6 months and lost 5,000 dollars.

5000$ was lost in cds, tapes, books, seminars, products and car gas.
I had also lost all my time during that time and peace of mind.

I did meet couple of guys recently in 2011. They joined this in 2001 and left in 2009. They were there in this business for 7 to 10 years.
They lost more than 100k and lost job and are in very bad position.

Please do not join this, 5 people will enjoy at the expense of 1000 people.
Unknown said…
I was mesmerized with the Business presentation I attended for the first time (before I forget mentioning that I also had very similar kind of experience, like I got approached by a stranger in a Mall, exchanged our contact no, got invitation over call for this Business meeting and a free dinner - this dinner part is not common among others, Lol ...) but after landing at this page, I had made my mid firm clear, I'm not gonna kill my hard earned money and time on fire to get waste to ZERO.
d patel chicago said…
i was in this crap biz. from 2000 to 2007,I experienced similar to all the people who posted here.Once you are IN ,its really tough to quit,so my adviec is NEVER get inti it.all the braiwashing and cds,seminars and all will occupy your mind and can't think of any thing else.
I had very hard time to even quit.I lost couple of thousand $$ and a lot of valuable time I would have spent with my family n friends which you can't get back.
simple advice:spread the word and save the world..from this scam...
d patel chicago said…
Absolately,kumar and all BWW/or any system as to say are all big pins DAMN LIERS!!..
especially GALA team leaders have taken big disadvantage of their community's honesty and loyalty.they cannot be forgiven..they will pay for it,one or the other way..we are already seeing splits and law suits among king pins for system money..big greeeed..its all their downlines hard earned money going to their pockets in the name of system/support cost..what a balloony..
they preach about home team and on other side we see and hear about split marriages in BWW/Gala or any other teams..what a contrast..its all about "comes around and goes around"
I was there for about 6-7 years..i will not recommend this culty biz. to even my enemy..!!
I recommend new ibos or any ibo to check Dateline NBC diamond story of Bo Short,and listen Rich Devos (amway founder)directly speaking audio and it will open your blindfolds of so called success system.
Unknown said…
It all seems like an expeririment on people. The more giving you are the more possibility. Information is power
Unknown said…
thanks for sharing
we are in the same boat too
but haven't registered.😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
saved !!!
Unknown said…
These bww/amway shit just want to drain u of your money talking about purchase stuff from your store which is expensive af and still have to go to other stores for things your store don't have. Then it's all the meetings u have to pay for and make up 300pv for the month with more expenses on your pockets.people don't join this shit. If them so successful asks them to financially sponsor u and see how fast them will disappear and forget u
Unknown said…
Glad you saw the light early on.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, i was once an ibo..

Vaij said…
I am writing this comment in response to one above by Justin. He quotes from the book, "The Next Millionaire!" MLM is the wave of the future and is where the next ten million millionaires will be found in the next ten years.

We are a decade down the line since his comment and not a single MLM millionaire is to be found around. I have been a critique of this MLM since beginning arguing that they won't work. I am glad to note that I didn't think wrong.

Remember people, anything that makes money, people will be automatically driven towards it. Anything that requires selling dreams and persuasion is to make money off you not for you.

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